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In an evacuation, all students, staff, faculty and visitors must leave the affected building immediately. A building evacuation will typically be initiated using the building fire alarm.

  1. Use the nearest safe exit, closing office and classroom doors behind you. Walk, do not run. The ADA area of refuge is located at the East stairwell.
  2. If possible, take personal belongings such as keys, purses, and backpacks with you. You may not be able to return to collect these items in an emergency. However, do not delay your evacuation or return to a dangerous area in order to gather personal effects. Personnel working with hazardous chemicals or equipment should ensure the materials are rendered safe before evacuating.
  3. Do not use elevators. They may become inoperative, trapping you.
  4. If you encounter others who are not evacuating, inform them of the danger, but do not delay your own evacuation.
  5. If you encounter persons who need assistance evacuating, you may offer assistance at your own discretion, if you can do so safely. If you cannot assist, immediately notify campus security so emergency responders can assist them.
  6. Proceed to your building assembly area and report to your supervisor or instructor. Gather in Parking Lot K in the faculty/staff parking area near the bark. Do not leave campus until you have been accounted for and released.

Department managers should ensure that all faculty and staff are familiar with evacuation routes and procedures, and know the locations of fire alarm pull stations and evacuation assembly areas. Instructors should review this information with students at the start of each semester.


In an emergency situation at WSU Everett, one of three responses will typically be advised by campus administration and local emergency responders. These are:



Shelter In Place

Register here for campus emergency alerts. These alerts cover emergency situations at Everett Community College. WSU Everett is located on the EvCC campus, so these alerts apply to WSU Everett. Click ‘Register’ in the upper-right quadrant. An online identification from WSU or EvCC is not required.