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Student and Activity Fee

The Service and Activity Fee (S&A Fee) is used to support nonacademic student activities, programs, and projects on the Washington State University Everett campus.  These student fees are used to enrich the student experience through funding for student government, entertainment, student organizations, speakers, facilities, and recreation.

Annual S&A Fee Timeline

  • Fall: New committee member orientation and S&A fund request updates
  • January: Committee meets to conduct brief overview, review expectations, and determine schedule
  • February: S&A request training for groups seeking allocations
  • Early March: Funding requests are due from departments and organizations
  • Late March: Committee conducts initial review of all requests
  • Late March: Groups present material to committee for consideration and committee conducts deliberations to decide S&A Fee rate and S&A Fee allocations
  • Early April: Committee presents recommended fee and allocation of funds to University president
  • Early May: Board of Regents reviews S&A Committee recommendation and approves or rejects fee and allocation
  • May: Students recommended to University president for approval and the president approves committee members

S&A Fee Committee Members

This committee shall have initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that are derived from S&A fees. Review and recommendation process:

  1. The S&A Fees Committee holds an initial meeting in early spring but can convene earlier or later if necessary. All committee meetings shall be held in a manner that provides public access.
    1. The members of the committee shall select a Chair. The chair of the committee must be a student.
    2. The WSU Budget Office will provide an update on actual revenue received and may revise the revenue forecast for the academic year.
    3. The S&A Fees Committee may recommend to the Chancellor supplemental allocations or reductions to allocations if actual revenue is expected to be significantly different from the budgeted amount.
  2. At subsequent meetings the Committee will be responsible for proposing to the Chancellor, the University President and the WSU Board of Regents, allocations of all S&A fees paid by students.
    1. A timeline, presentation, and question and answer process will be approved.
    2. The Committee will announce the call for S&A Fee Requests. This announcement will be posted on web sites (ASWSU-NPSE) and sent out via email to students.
    3. Individuals and groups requesting funds will be required to present a budget request in the approved format for the following summer session and academic year via the approved online S&A Fees Committee request form by the deadline.
    4. The S&A Fees Committee reviews and discusses the merits of each request and develops a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among various groups including ASWSUE, established student services and programs, and other appropriate non-academic student service related requests.
  3. The Committee shall submit a budget proposal for the expenditure of S&A fees to the Chancellor, the University President, and the Board for approval.
  4. Accounting for all S&A fees allocations will be managed by the administrator/advisor of the group receiving an allocation. A resource titled “Spending Your S&A Fee Allocation – A Guide for Advisers, Staff, Students,” is available online as an overview of the more important rules that apply to S&A fees expenditures.

Composition and Tenure:

  1. The WSU Everett Chancellor appoints the WSU Everett S&A Fees Committee as follows:
    1. Four students with one-year positions (nominated by ASWSUE).
    2. WSU Everett Finance Officer, or designee (standing position).
    3. WSU Everett Director, or designee (standing position).
    4. WSU Everett Academic Advisor, or designee (standing position).
  2. A vacancy in any Committee position will be filled prior to any formal Committee meeting.
  3. The Committee elects the Chair from the student members.
  4. Voting members shall have one vote.
  5. A quorum shall consist of five members, a majority of whom shall be students.

Requesting Funds

Funds requested through the S&A Fee process must be used to support nonacademic student activities, programs, and projects on the WSU Everett campus. The term “S&A Fee” is defined to mean fees, other than tuition fees, that is charged to all students registered in courses at the WSU Everett campus.

All recognized Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are eligible to request funds.

To submit a S&A Fee Proposal for 2021-2022, please email a completed Budget Request Form AND a Description of Request to by March 22, 2021. The proposal should include a detailed description of plans for your allocation request. Be sure to explain how the request support non-academic student activities and programs and the number of students will this impact.

Once the Proposals are submitted, we will schedule the presentation times.