This committee shall have initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that are derived from S&A fees. Review and recommendation process:
- The S&A Fees Committee holds an initial meeting in early spring but can convene earlier or later if necessary. All committee meetings shall be held in a manner that provides public access.
- The members of the committee shall select a Chair. The chair of the committee must be a student.
- The WSU Budget Office will provide an update on actual revenue received and may revise the revenue forecast for the academic year.
- The S&A Fees Committee may recommend to the Chancellor supplemental allocations or reductions to allocations if actual revenue is expected to be significantly different from the budgeted amount.
- At subsequent meetings the Committee will be responsible for proposing to the Chancellor, the University President and the WSU Board of Regents, allocations of all S&A fees paid by students.
- A timeline, presentation, and question and answer process will be approved.
- The Committee will announce the call for S&A Fee Requests. This announcement will be posted on web sites (ASWSU-NPSE) and sent out via email to students.
- Individuals and groups requesting funds will be required to present a budget request in the approved format for the following summer session and academic year via the approved online S&A Fees Committee request form by the deadline.
- The S&A Fees Committee reviews and discusses the merits of each request and develops a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among various groups including ASWSUE, established student services and programs, and other appropriate non-academic student service related requests.
- The Committee shall submit a budget proposal for the expenditure of S&A fees to the Chancellor, the University President, and the Board for approval.
- Accounting for all S&A fees allocations will be managed by the administrator/advisor of the group receiving an allocation. A resource titled “Spending Your S&A Fee Allocation – A Guide for Advisers, Staff, Students,” is available online as an overview of the more important rules that apply to S&A fees expenditures.
Composition and Tenure:
- The WSU Everett Chancellor appoints the WSU Everett S&A Fees Committee as follows:
- Four students with one-year positions (nominated by ASWSUE).
- WSU Everett Finance Officer, or designee (standing position).
- WSU Everett Director, or designee (standing position).
- WSU Everett Academic Advisor, or designee (standing position).
- A vacancy in any Committee position will be filled prior to any formal Committee meeting.
- The Committee elects the Chair from the student members.
- Voting members shall have one vote.
- A quorum shall consist of five members, a majority of whom shall be students.