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Procedures for weather-related cancellations or delays

WSU Everett Suspended Operations Due to Inclement Weather

This page outlines the procedures for evaluating and responding to inclement weather situations that may require WSU Everett to suspend some or all campus operations. For more information, contact WSU Everett Safety and Security at 425-405-1600.

Moving from Normal to Suspended Operations

  • The WSU Everett Chancellor or designee may suspend campus operations when an inclement weather emergency is imminent or active.
  • Unless otherwise communicated by the Chancellor or designee, the campus will return to normal operations the following day.
  • Students and employees should check the WSU Everett homepage to see the current status of campus operations.
  • If the building is closed due to inclement weather, there is NO ACCESS available to the building.

Decision Timeline

  • During Night or Early Morning Hours:If inclement weather occurs overnight, the emergency management team will convene no later than 5:00 a.m. A decision regarding campus operations will be made no later than 5:15 a.m. Communications will be posted by 5:30 a.m.
  • During the Day:If inclement weather occurs during the day, the emergency management team will convene as soon as possible and decide regarding campus operations as quickly as possible.
  • Evening Classes and Operations:A decision regarding evening classes and operations will be made as early as possible to avoid unnecessary travel.

Communication Channels

  • If WSU Everett moves to suspended operations, the emergency management team will notify the campus community through the following channels:
    • WSU Everett website homepage
    • Social media
    • Local media outlets (via FlashAlert)
    • WSU Everett and Everett University Center listservs
    • Campus audio announcement, when applicable
    • Campus phone (x1600) automatic message


  • WSU Everett administration does not assume that all individuals coming to or already on campus can be notified of an emergency.
  • This policy is not intended to cover all possible eventualities. WSU Everett administration will adapt decision-making and communication procedures appropriately to suit the circumstances.

Community Resources

 Traffic cams

Snohomish County Cold Weather Shelters

WA211: A free, confidential community service to connect individuals to critical local services, including food, housing, health, childcare, utility assistance, elder care, crisis intervention, and transportation.

  • Dial the three-digit number 211 on your phone or find Help here.
  • If you are outside Washington or have a problem dialing 211, please dial 1-877-211-9274.

Additional Information