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Peer Tutoring
Free, unlimited, drop-in
Every day 5:30 pm -7:30pm in the Student Success Center.

About the EverCoug Peer Tutoring Program:

Our tutoring services are a FREE, peer-facilitated, drop-in resource to promote academic success.
  • Drop-in tutoring means no appointment is necessary.
  • There is no limit to how many times you can access the peer tutoring services at WSU Everett.

How to make the most of your tutoring session:

  • Come prepared; bring your book, notes, and previous exams!
  • Plan ahead and do not wait until the last minute.
  • Bring specific questions to the tutoring session
  • Attend consistently, and build tutoring into your weekly schedule like a class.
  • Actively participate in your tutoring session. Ask questions; it’s the best way to learn!
  • Know that the tutor cannot do your homework or exams.
  • Review what you have covered in the tutoring session soon after the session has ended. This will reinforce what you have learned.