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COVID‑19 vaccine questions answered in new video series

With eligibility for the COVID‑19 vaccines expanding, a new four‑part video series from Washington State University examines common questions and concerns with practical, easy-to-understand explanations from infectious disease expert Dr. Guy Palmer.

The video series debuted today on WSU’s main YouTube channel. Each short episode also can be found embedded below, and they are intended to serve as helpful resources through the University’s commitment to its land grant mission.

Palmer, a board-certified pathologist and WSU’s senior director of Global Health, tackles a variety of related topics in a relaxed, question-and-answer format designed to help viewers better understand not just the science but the reasons behind the state and federal strategies for battling the global pandemic.

“Widespread vaccination is the key to ending the pandemic,” Palmer said. “Vaccination is the exit ramp.”

Among the topics discussed by Palmer are the basic function of vaccines, the need for a booster immunization among those who have previously contracted COVID‑19, and the safety and efficacy of the COVID‑19 vaccines.

Each video is about two minutes in length and focuses on a specific subset of questions submitted by the WSU community:

The Washington Department of Health recently launched Vaccine Locator, a new tool that helps residents locate nearby vaccination sites. Simply entering a Zip code yields a list of locations within 50 miles. The site also has current eligibility requirements for vaccination.

As of March 31, Washington residents no longer have to use the state’s Phase Finder tool to verify their eligibility for vaccination. WSU employees also have up to two hours of paid leave available for them to use on vaccine appointments. The university recently updated its vaccine guidelines, which are available on the COVID-19 website.
