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Everett Herald | Ceremonial ground breaking held for WSU’s Everett branch

Kevin Clark / The Herald
Kevin Clark / The Herald

Michael Sahlbom (left) and Jeremy Canaria listen during Doug Mair’s Power System class.

By Jerry Cornfield
Herald Writer

Published: Wednesday, September 23, 2015, 12:01 a.m.

EVERETT — With the turn of a few shovels of dirt Tuesday, leaders of Washington State University and Snohomish County began preparing a foundation on which will rise a new building and launch a new era for the city.
Interim WSU President Dan Bernardo led a contingent of officialdom in a ceremonial ground breaking for the Everett University Center that will be the cornerstone of the research university’s growing presence in the city.
“This is a big, big deal,” Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson said a few hours before taking part. “For anyone who’s ever had any doubt of Washington State’s commitment to Everett, this should erase any doubts. We really can plant the (WSU) flag right now…read more at The Everett Daily Herald