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Campus Awards
Recognizing student, faculty & staff excellence

We are pleased to announce the 3rd Annual WSU Everett Awards program! Our highly talented and dedicated students, faculty, and staff are making tremendous contributions to our community in scholarship, public service, and creative activities.

Our campus seeks to recognize the truly outstanding accomplishments and exceptional individual achievements of the EverCoug family. The awards are designed to honor those who epitomize the highest levels of excellence in the pursuit of the university’s mission and goals. Please show your support in nominating outstanding EverCougs whose performance clearly distinguishes them from their colleagues for these campus-level awards.


  • Tuesday, March 5: Call for Nominations
  • Friday, March 29: Nominations close 5 pm
  • Week of April 1st: Selection committee meets
  • Monday, 8th: Announcement of winners
  • Wednesday, April 24th: Chancellor’s Awards Reception

Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence—$500

This award recognizes a student that has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement both in and outside the classroom at WSU Everett or a student leader that has made a lasting impact on the WSU Everett campus with their leadership contributions to student involvement and campus life.

The graduating senior or a continuing student has shown excellence in one of the following categories:

  • Academics
  • Student Involvement
  • Community Service
  • Research

President’s Award/ Everett Outstanding Senior—$1000

Since 1996, the President’s Award for Leadership has been an honor bestowed annually to students, faculty, and staff representing the top leaders at WSU. Recipients of this prestigious award demonstrate exceptional leadership and service to the university and the community, as well as to those who support leadership development in WSU students. This year, the President’s Award will recognize one (1) student from each WSU campus. One thousand dollars and a commemorative award will be conferred on each President’s Award recipient.

This student will be a graduating senior that shows exemplary, well-rounded performance in campus leadership, campus engagement and academics at WSU Everett.

Chancellor’s Staff Excellence Award

This award recognizes a WSU Everett staff member who has gone above and beyond in one or more of the following areas:

  • Improved Education Access
  • A Culture of Excellence
  • Active Learning Student Engagement
  • Public-Private Partnerships-Outreach
  • Organizational Capacity & Sustainability
  • Institutional, Local & Global Impact

Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence

This award is solely nominated by students. The students recognize a faculty member who commits time outside of the classroom to prevent students from falling through the cracks, demonstrates an enthusiasm for the subject matter, instills enthusiasm and passion for students, and demonstrates excellence in at least one of the following categories:

  • Interdisciplinary Learning
  • Service Learning
  • Undergraduate Research
  • Connection with Industry within the classroom
