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Information Page for WSU Everett Trip to Pullman for Career EXPO and Career Fair

Following is a list of FAQ’s about this trip – please read through them carefully (there is a LOT of information there – please take the time needed to read through it!).  If you still have questions, please contact

Once you have read through the following information and you decide you want to go, fill out the registration form here and return it to NO LATER THAN September 30th, 2024. 

A schedule and further information will be sent on October 2nd, 2024 to all students who have registered to go on this trip. 

FAQs for October 7th/8th, 2024 Career Fair EXPO

1. How much/what is being provided for students who want to travel to Pullman for the EXPO?

WSU Everett will provide transportation from WSU Everett to Pullman, and back, as well as lodging for students that travel with the group.

2. What are the parameters for students who want to travel as part of WSU Everett’s entourage?

To have your transportation and hotel paid for, you will need to travel with the WSU Everett group.  Students who travel on their own (car, fly, etc.) will not be reimbursed for their travel. 

3. What time will we leave?  When would we return?

We will leave Monday, October 7th from the Everett campus in the afternoon at approximately 3pm.  This gives you a chance to attend morning classes, and/or attend the Virtual EXPO.  We will leave Pullman at approximately Noon on Wednesday, October 9th to return to the Everett campus by evening.

4. Where will we stay and who pays for the hotel?

We are currently negotiating with hotels in Pullman for the best rates.  WSU Everett will pay for the hotel.

5. Do I have to share a hotel room?

Yes, sharing a room is a budgetary necessity.  Your name and your roommate’s name will be registered with the hotel.  When you fill out the attached form to register to travel with the group, there is a space for you to put your preferred roommate.  If you do not have a preferred roommate, we will pair you with someone from your program if possible.  All roommates will be gender matched.

6. What if I only want to stay for one night?

If you travel with the group, you will need to stay for both nights.  Often students are invited to events in the evening or invited to interview the morning after the EXPO.  We need to stay long enough to give those students with invitations time to participate.

7. Will I be reimbursed if I drive myself?

No, WSU Everett will not reimburse you for travel if you drive yourself.

8. If I drive myself, can I still have my hotel paid for? 

No.  Hotel rooms are being booked ONLY for students who travel with the group.

9. If I book my own room, can I take advantage of the hotel block’s discount price for WSU Everett?

Possibly.  Please check back with Melody for an answer to this one.

10. Will meals be paid for?

No.  You will need to pay for your own meals.

11. What about the classes I will be missing if I go to Pullman?

WSU Everett Faculty are very supportive of students attending the Career Fair EXPO.  Please talk to your professors and let them know you will be going.  Ask them how you can make up the work you will be missing.

12. Aren’t the Virtual and the In-Person Career Fair one and the same?

No.  There are actually two Career Fairs connected to WSU (on two separate, consecutive days).   Some employers will be at both, some will only be at either the virtual or the in-person EXPO.

13. How do I sign up to be part of the group that is planning to travel together?

If you are certain that you will be going, please fill out this form and return it to  Van rental, and the # of hotel rooms are based off of your commitment to attend. Fill out the form only if you are certain you will be attending. 

14. Do I need to sign up by a certain date to travel with the group?

Yes!  In order to establish a budget and ascertain what transportation and hotels are needed, please sign up to go no later than Monday, September 30th.  Students who sign up after September 30th cannot be guaranteed a spot.

15. Do I register separately for the EXPO itself?

YES!  The form mentioned in item #12 is only to sign up for transportation and hotel.  To attend the EXPO, you will need to sign up for the Virtual Career EXPO and the In-Person Career EXPO separately.  Those links can be found here.

16. What do I need to do to prepare for the EXPO itself?

WSU Everett’s Student Services will be holding workshops on campus in the weeks prior to the EXPO.  Your advisor will email you with more information on dates and times of these workshops. 

Some of the Career Prep Workshops being held in Pullman are available virtually.  You can find the schedule here – please note that not all that are listed are virtual – you will need to scrutinize carefully to see which ones are.  Keep checking back to link in this paragraph for the most recent schedule the EXPO organizers will have published.

Carefully read through the information on the Career Fair EXPO web page.  There is quite a bit of useful information there to help you prepare.

17. Will I be able to tour the campus while there?

Any free time that you have is time you can tour the campus on your own or with your fellow travelers.  No specific tours are being set up for this trip. 

Still have questions?  Please contact Melody De Lappe at or your advisor!

If you wish to attend the optional EVENING WITH INDUSTRY DINNER in Pullman on October 8th, register by clicking on the QR code below: